FSC: Reference Countries

A Free Sales Certificate (FSC) or Free Trade Certificate is an international export document used to export medical devices and IVD products. It indicates that your products are marketed in Europe and can be freely sold with no limits to their exportation.

The Free Sales Certificate is perceived differently depending on its issuing authority. Not all FSCs have the same acceptance rate by the competent authorities in some importing countries. It is important that your FSC is issued by a reference country. Spain is one of the so-called “reference countries” and all our certificates have been always admitted making new markets available to our customers.

The most renowned "reference countries" are: 

  • Spain, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, UK.
  • Iceland, Norway and Switzerland;
  • Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

An example is an Egyptian market. Where the administration and Pharmaceutical authorities have published a list of reference countries to guide companies seeking to place their products in Egypt.

CMC can provide Non-EU manufacturers with Free Sales Certificate, being or not your European authorized representative.

Our FSC is always 100% well received by importer countries.

If you would like to know more about Free Sales Certificate, please contact us.


Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions, prices or timelines in the registration process.